Hi to all my customers,
It has been a while since I updated my blog, but I have been busy with orders, photos etc. I have just prepared some photo entries for an upcoming show, so I will let you have a sneak preview of some.
I did have some computer problems, but seems they are now sorted.
The African Violets are all growing so well with the warmth and the humidity we have been experiencing of late. The leaves are so huge I have had to move some plants off trays to make room for the plants to spread.
In the next month I have 2 shows to prepare for. One local and one in Newcastle. If anyone is close to Newcastle on the weekend of 1st and 2nd of May 2010, the African Violet show is being held at Adamstown Club, Brunker Rd. Adamstown. Times are 1.30pm to 4.30pm on Saturday and 10 am to 3pm on Sunday. This is the weekend before Mother's Day, so if you are looking for a great gift, come along. There wil be lots of beautiful plants to see and photos to admire as well.
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